Category Archives: Potty Training

Day 3 of the “3-Day Potty Training” Method (+video)

Blog Post 12.29.15 Day 3 of 3 Day PottyBy no means do I feel like this means we have reached the finish line. We have definitely not. Our adventure with “3-Day Potty Training” seems to be turning into “3-Day x 2 x 2 (?) Days of Potty Training” and that’s being optimistic – let’s keep hoping in “days” and not “weeks” or “months”! 

So today felt like we were treading backwards up until about 6:30 PM. Throughout a majority of the day, we were dealing with hefty accidents (large puddles) and running her over to the toilet only for her to quickly say “all done” with nothing to come from it. On the one hand, she was going about 4 hours between accidents, which told me she was holding her bladder somewhat, but on the other hand, we weren’t communicating effectively with one another. 

I started to really think this Lora Jensen is bonkers despite her track record with her 8 successfully trained children. Then something changed. 

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Day 2 of the “3-Day Potty Training” Method (+video)

Blog Post 12.28.15 Day 2 of 3 dayToday has been a bit less traumatizing. I write that with a big headache (as I wait for the Excedrin to kick in), since today I’ve been holding my own pee and forgetting about hydrating myself, haha. How appropriate! 

The method doesn’t change from Day 1 to Day 2. Same ol’ same ol’. Don’t leave the house, don’t ask “do you  need to go potty?” (though we are guilty of throwing this phrase in on accident, a couple times), offer rewards for successful potty visits, keep a close eye on your child, keep them busy right next to you, and slather on a good healthy heaping of positivity, praise, and love.  Continue reading “Day 2 of the “3-Day Potty Training” Method (+video)” »

Day 1 of the “3-Day Potty Training” Method (+video!)

Blog Post 12.28.15 1_Day 1 of 3 Day Potty20-30 pairs of Minnie Mouse and Disney’s Frozen underwear. Check. 

Moist (FLUSHABLE) wipes for post-potty bottom cleaning. Check. 

Potty chair AND mini potty seat. Check. (chair for the car, mini seat for the house)

Rewards chart for stickers as well as mini chocolate candies for going in the potty. Check. 

Fluids fluids fluids. Check. 

Fibrous foods (pears, other fruit, veggies, beans, brown rice). Check. (I am not condoning Metamucil or other like-supplements for your child)

Plan to stay indoors and at home for three consecutive days. Check. 

Crossing your fingers that your toddler will pee her entire bladder’s worth in the tub tonight so she doesn’t pee in the bed. Desperate check. Check check check. Please please please (yeah right, wishful thinking)

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