The Circumcision Decision


Disclaimer: in light of the unexpected and intense public response, I want to clarify that I am not an expert on the subject of circumcision, and this post is not intended to cover every aspect (FGM, sexual functions of the foreskin, psychological impacts on circumcised vs intact males, etc) of such a complex issue. This post is focused strictly on the medical perspective. I’m happy to be learning a great deal about the social, political, cultural and ethical aspects, from anyone and everyone who can share their thoughts respectfully. I do, however, intend to maintain this site as a safe place for my readers. If you’d like to post graphic photos or use disrespectful language, feel free to create your own site. Anyone violating this community standard will be deleted and permanently blocked.

OK, so I found myself watching Sharknado and Malibu Shark Attack and realized – “oh, I should seriously be writing my blog post right now!” I think that since I missed out on all the Shark Week stuff on TV, I feel the need to watch poorly acted and awful special effects featuring some human-hungry attack sharks.

Moving on…

My friend Chrystelle asked me to write a post about the “rules” of circumcision after a friend was told by her son’s pediatrician that she either had to have her son circumcised the week they were born (while still at the hospital) or at 6 months old (ouch, poor baby!) with a urologist, but nowhere in between.

Plus, I wanted to do a research post about what the current evidence says about whether or not it’s indicated to circumcise in the developed world.

For new parents, this post could help answer questions such as: Why is it done? What are the risks? Benefits? Is it really necessary?

I recall a debate on the topic while studying public health (particularly in my “Reproductive Health in Sub-Saharan Africa” course) and then again in nursing school. I think I remember reading that in the United States and other developed countries, the question of hygiene and transmission of STD’s weren’t as big of a concern so therefore it was no longer necessary, but I really couldn’t quite remember what the definitive answer was: yay or nay on the snip snip?

So here we go!

(Throughout this post, I will be referring to UpToDate a lot. UpToDate is a physician and healthcare provider’s software reference tool, that is the most current and kept “up to date” with current medical journals, expert opinion, and evidence-based practice recommendations. The information on UpToDate is not social or popular “opinion,” it is official and sound medical evidence and reference. It is THE go-to resource at all hospitals, and is literally, as current and absolutely up to date as possible. I was having difficulty in finding really good evidence-based articles for this post, so one of my friends who is a Nurse Practitioner hooked me up with some articles with her access from UpToDate. Thanks Heather!) UpToDate references used in this post will be available at the end of this post.

Back to Basics: What’s (Male) Circumcision?

This is relatively common knowledge, but it is the surgical removal of the foreskin (prepuce) surrounding the tip of the penis. It’s a procedure that has been practiced for hundreds of years and is very common in the United States (approximately 80 percent), as well as in other parts of the world.

Circumcisions should only be performed on stable and healthy infants, and only takes a few minutes and rarely has complications. Babies have local anesthesia given (the kind that numbs just the area to be performed) during the procedure to reduce pain.

For the record, as a nursing student and having witnessed a newborn’s circumcision, the baby was crying during the procedure but stopped crying shortly after it was finished. Because of the anesthesia given, most of the baby’s crying was due to their little legs being strapped into position on the surgery table. 

Reasons for Circumcising

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that infant boys be circumcised, since any surgical risks related to circumcision are far outweighed by the many benefits. Here are some of the reasons FOR circumcision:

  • Religious – most commonly practiced in JewishMuslim and Islamic cultures, to symbolize faith in God, and from the Book of Abraham in Genesis where God commands to Abraham that all males be circumcised. Here in the Old Testament, circumcision is referred to as a covenant with God. 
  • Social – father was circumcised, family tradition, the social norm, etc.
  • Hygienic/Medical – lowered risk of sexually transmitted diseases (research shows between a 50-60% lowered HIV transmission rate in men), lower rates of urinary tract infection (UTI), HPV (cervical cancer-causing virus) infection, HSV-2 (herpes simplex virus 2, one of the genital herpes-causing strain of herpes), penile cancer, penile inflammation, and penile dermatoses (lesions and other abnormalities). It is also believed that removing the foreskin protective and more hygienic, since the presence of a foreskin maintains a warm and moist environment that provides a favorable environment for bacteria to multiply. The foreskin requires daily retraction (pulling back) to thoroughly clean the area of moisture, bacteria, and buildup. 

As mentioned earlier, approximately eighty percent of males in the United States aged 14-59 years old are circumcised. According to a literature review on UpToDate, the United States is the only developed country where the majority of male infants are circumcised for nonreligious reasons. That’s not to say that the procedure does not hold legitimacy in the U.S. for reasons other than religious ones. 

What are the Risks with Circumcisions?

As with any surgical procedure, there are of course, risks associated with undergoing the procedure itself. Circumcisions, even though they are done very regularly on a majority of infant boys in the United States with very low risk of complication, are not an exception.

Our babies are precious, and putting them through any type of procedure that requires anesthesia (local or general types) is scary. Heck, even a benign vaccine makes us cringe as we have to help keep our little ones’ limbs still to avoid an unintentional leg jerk and needle stick through red-faced cries and streaming tears.

The risks of complications from a circumcision are very low, and most of those that occur are minor. This is not to say that more serious complications do not occur. In the United States, for infant boys 1 month and younger, the best known rate of complications is 0.2%. That means that 2 out of every 1000 infants experience some sort of complication. Again, though procedure-related complications are uncommon, the more serious complications are rare.

So, in deciding on whether or not to circumcise your baby, here are the associated risks (per UpToDate’s Neonatal Circumcision, and Complications of Circumcision, below):

  • Inadequate foreskin removal
    • Would require revision surgery (repeat surgery) to fix the cosmetic appearance.
    • Can occur because the baby initially was not a prime candidate for circumcision at the time it was done
  • Bleeding
    • Usually minor and can be controlled with pressure during the procedure
    • Often occurs because of inadequate suturing (stitching) of the incision, by the practitioner
    • Though rare, may require blood transfusion if serious bleeding occurs
    • Bleeding is a more common complication, according to the Scientific World Journal, between 1 and 3 months of age.
  • Infection
    • This is always a risk when you make any type of surgical incision, even when performed under sterile conditions (as is the case with circumcisions).
    • Usually mild when it does occur, but if the infection is serious, it can lead to a bloodstream infection (sepsis) and “death has been reported.” 
  • Urethral complications (a preventable and very unusual occurrence in the U.S.)
    • Stenosis (narrowing of the urethra)
    • Urethrocutaneous fistula (an abnormal connected hole to the urethra), cited as usually occurring after an improper clamp placement during the procedure. 
  • Glans injury 
    • Take a deep breath. They refer to this as “penile amputation.”
      • Occurs extremely rarely 
      • A complication when the physician uses a Mogen clamp, which makes it difficult for the doctor to visualize the penis prior to making an incision on the foreskin.
  • Excessive skin removal
    • Occurs when there is an excessive amount of abdominal fat pad (like with an extra adorable chubby baby) that makes it difficult to estimate how much foreskin to remove.
    • Preventive measures include firmly compressing the baby’s abdominal pad to allow the penis to be exposed so the physician can properly determine how much skin to remove
  • Epidermal inclusion cyst
    • These types of cysts exist all over the body and are harmless, but these can also happen post-circumcision the way the skin heals and most can be removed without much further risk.
    • Still a relatively uncommon incidence.
  • Adhesions
    • This is a medical term I’ve heard so many times as a nurse, but it may sound scarier if you are not in medicine. 
    • This is an abnormal way the skin heals post-incision that can mean the skin did not align ideally or mobilized properly during healing. 
    • More common in babies with “prominent suprapubic fat pads”, meaning that super chubby little baby.
    • Can occur when the post-surgical care routine is not being performed as directed.
    • These may require correction at the doctor’s office under local anesthetic (cream/ointment) or can resolve spontaneously over time, with growth or abdominal/suprapubic fat recedes. 
  • Cicatrix – scar that encircles the penis at the incision
  • Anesthetic complications
    • Anesthesia on babies 1 month old and younger is limited to local anesthesia (just on the skin itself) to make the procedure relatively pain-free. This is not the type of anesthesia that is expected to hold complications. Topical (local) anesthesia wears off very quickly (circumcisions are very quick procedures) and only affects the area in which it is applied/injected.
    • General anesthesia (being completely “out”) on the other hand, is used when circumcising older babies, so the risks with general anesthesia are present.

Complications are more commonly reported when performed on babies considered less-than-ideal candidates for surgery. That means, babies who were born prematurely, newborns with congenital abnormalities that affect the urogenital system, performed on older infants, or by poorly trained physicians. 

Some Benefits of Circumcision

With any procedure, it’s important to consider a cost-benefit analysis, where you weigh the possible risks against the possible benefits. There are many benefits to circumcision, but the ones I wanted to focus on are those I elaborated on below. For more, please see the references I included at the bottom of this post. 

Reduced Transmission of STD’s

  • HSV-2 (herpes simplex-2, one of the genital herpes-causing strains)
  • HPV (human papilloma virus, the cervical cancer-causing virus strain) to the male’s female partners
  • HIV

Reduction of Penile Inflammation and Retractile Disorders

Penile inflammation can occur when bacteria trapped under the foreskin causes irritation and further inflammation of the area. This is more commonly associated with uncircumcised and partially circumcised males.

Retractile disorders include phimosis, paraphimosis, and balanoposthitis. These are all urologic emergencies and are disorders that are associated with the foreskin’s improper retraction.

Phimosis (inability to retract the foreskin over the glans/tip of the penis) and Paraphimosis (result of phimosis): Whether it be the foreskin not returning to its neutral, fully extended position over the glans, forceful retraction, and when the improper placement of the foreskin for an extended period of time (“entrapment” of the retracted foreskin) and results in cutting off circulation to the rest of the penis, causing painful swelling, lack of blood flow, and possible loss of penile tissue if not treated quickly and properly.

Balanoposthitis is an inflammation and infection that occurs when an improperly retracted foreskin and poor hygiene encourages the growth, colonization, and overgrowth (yuck) of bacteria. Recommendation for the treatment of frequently occurring (or complicated and difficult to treat) balanoposthitis is circumcision. 

Circumcision = Lower Risk of UTI’s in Infant Boys

According to UpToDate, though the incidence of a UTI in older males is very rare, it is actually one of the most common reasons for hospitalization in infant males. Since babies have a much more vulnerable and less matured immune system, a UTI can quickly lead to an infection of the kidney system (technically, pyelonephritis) which is a very serious (and common) complication from a UTI, requiring hospitalization.

UpToDate cited a research study (see link in references) where doctors analyzed the bacteria present on the urethra of circumcised versus uncircumcised males. They found that the periurethral flora (normally occurring bacteria around the urethral area at the penis) in circumcised infants had significantly fewer pathogenic (harmful) bacteria at the surface of the urethral tissue than uncircumcised babies.  

Penile Cancer Risk Reduction

I didn’t even realize this when I was getting ready to write this post. I found this pretty impressive and alarming at the same time:

Compared to uncircumcised men, circumcised men appear to have a lower risk of penile cancer, and their sexual partners may have a lower risk of cervical cancer.UpToDate (Neonatal Circumcision Risks and Benefits)

But, because penile cancer is so rare in this country (1 in every 100,000 males), the protective benefit by circumcision may not carry as much weight as its other benefits (like lowered UTI risk, HPV and HSV-2 infection, lowered risk of penile inflammatory and retractive disorders). However, according to, penile cancer “almost never” occurs in men who were circumcised at birth. 

There are clearly many benefits of circumcision, and the practice is still currently recommended over not circumcising. PrePex is a method of nonsurgical circumcision, but its effect on the prevention in the transmission of STD’s has not yet been fully researched. It uses a device to stop blood flow to the covering foreskin so that it “falls off” (for lack of better term) and remaining foreskin area dries up.

For more details on the other protective mechanisms of circumcision, please see the original UpToDate source here

Timing of Circumcision

Since this was the original question brought to my attention, this is what I found about timing of circumcising.

  • If done at birth, only performed on stable, healthy infant boys
  • If done at the neonatal (first thirty days of life) period, costs are lower, complications are fewer, and the baby is less mobile, meaning less discomfort and easier and quicker healing time. 
  • Circumcision should be delayed (not done at birth, but during the first year of life) if the following are present:
    • premature birth
    • blood disorders
    • congenital abnormalities (like “hypospadias” which is a condition where the urethral opening is not fully formed)
  • Fewer complications occur when males are circumcised in infancy rather than childhood or adulthood (bleeding, infections, discomfort, longer healing time, older age means a more complicated procedure)
  • Newborn circumcision typically occurs between day 0 and day 10 after birth, while the family is still in the hospital before discharge.
  • 86% of parents were in favor of neonatal (first thirty days) circumcision, over a delayed procedure.

So in summary, it looks like the best time to have your baby boy circumcised is while he’s still an infant (before 1 year), preferably before they become mobile. I didn’t find any research or expert recommendation that specified at which month it should be performed, if not performed immediately after birth, but the consensus is: the earlier the better. I can’t imagine the urologist’s rationale between waiting until the baby is 6 months old (rather than earlier, like 3-6 months). The only reference I found that makes an argument for waiting for a circumcision until after 3 months of age, is if the first month window is missed (least risk of complications), because of the increased risk of bleeding between 1 and 3 months old. 

I personally would want my son to be circumcised at birth rather than any time later. Their cries are more intentional after they get older and older, even throughout the first few months. And, healing time is about a week when performed within the first week(ish) of life. Besides, their umbilical cord stump is healing at the same time anyway, with that falling off within the first couple weeks, too. I don’t by any means mean “the more the merrier” regarding procedures and healing. But, by month 5, Jia was already pulling at my earrings, so I can only imagine how bothersome a fresh surgical wound would be to a little boy at that age or anywhere close!

If You Choose NOT to Circumcise (Remain “Intact”)

Follow these guidelines:

  • The penis should be washed and cleaned regularly and treated similar to the rest of the body, in terms of hygiene.  A rule of thumb: clean what you see. To note: as the foreskin becomes fully retractable in childhood (around age 5 up to 10 years), a young boy should be taught to retract the skin and clean underneath, and pat dry after bathing. 
  • Soap can be used, provided it’s safe for the age of the baby and it is non-irritating.
  • Frequent diaper changes, to keep the penis clean, and to prevent skin irritation and diaper rashes
  • Retract the foreskin gently (not forcibly) when cleaning and after rinsing. This means – NO FORCEFUL RETRACTION. It shouldn’t ever be forcefully retracted. Did I say it enough? Do not force the skin over the penis. The skin should be always pulled back down to its normal position, covering the glans (tip) of the penis. Failure to pull the skin back over the glans will lead to very painful swelling (phimosis) of the penis, as it can decrease blood circulation past the skin. Prolonged phimosis can lead to loss of tissue and functionality. 
  • Regular retraction to the degree where the skin is easily mobilized is important during cleaning to “train” the skin to retract and then return to its natural position over the glans. Let me be clear in that I am not promoting to force the foreskin to retract. Depending on the degree to which the skin is easily moved, you should clean what are able. With a newborn/young baby boy/young male: “If you can clean under the skin or it retracts easily, then it should be cleaned. If you can’t, don’t, and it will work itself out at puberty.” Dr. James Ferrell, Urologist. 
  • Again, an explicit note: If your baby’s foreskin is fused/attached to the glans, do not pull it back. In most newborn and infant males, the foreskin may not retract much, if at all. Only about 4% of newborn males have a completely retractable foreskin (separation from the glans/head begins during late gestation during pregnancy). And, “In more than half of newborn males, the foreskin cannot be retracted far enough to visualize the urethral meatus.” (UpToDate “Care of the Uncircumcised Penis”)

In the first several years your son’s foreskin will separate from the tip of the penis. Some foreskins separate soon after birth or even before birth, but this is rare. When it happens is different for every child. …foreskin retraction should never be forced. Until the foreskin fully separates, do not try to pull it back. Forcing the foreskin to retract before it is ready can cause severe pain, bleeding, and tears in the skin.” – (link below)

See more care directions in the reference below “Care of the uncircumcised penis.” (This section has been edited since its initial publish date, in order to provide better explanation of the newborn foreskin, and to reiterate what the author originally wrote)

There you have it. I went into writing this article expecting to read some new recommendation that strayed away from the outdated and not convincingly compelling arguments to continue the tradition of circumcision, but I didn’t.

Both the AAP and the medical community recommend male circumcisions, for the health and medical benefits. Though they DO STATE that there lacks strongly compelling evidence-based evidence to recommend circumcision for all baby boys, here is the current Circumcision Policy Statement from the AAP (revised and published September 2012):

Evaluation of current evidence indicates that the health benefits of newborn male circumcision outweigh the risks and that the procedure’s benefits justify access to this procedure for families who choose it. Specific benefits identified included prevention of urinary tract infections, penile cancer, and transmission of some sexually transmitted infections, including HIV… The medical benefits alone may not outweigh these other considerations for individual families…  Parents ultimately should decide whether circumcision is in the best interests of their male child. They will need to weigh medical information in the context of their own religious, ethical, and cultural beliefs and practices. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has endorsed this statement. From the American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement/Task Force on Circumcision (read full policy statement, linked below)

You can read on your own about the other benefits or limitations of circumcision (societal norms, psychological impact, sexual pleasure, etc.) on your own, but I wanted to focus on the overall medical recommendation in support of male circumcision.

You may find some other references and organizations that side with the “I want him to decide on his own to circumcise, I don’t want to make that decision for him,” or “it’s an unnecessary procedure that unnecessarily puts my baby in pain,” but with regards to expert opinion, the research all points to maintaining this evidence-based practice. 

As with a lot of things having to do with your babies, it’s ultimately about how you feel. Vaccinating on the other hand, is not a social-opinion decision to make. It’s the only healthy and smart choice. 


Mayo Clinic: Circumcision (male) Should the Baby be Circumcised?

National Library of Medicine’s recommended list to find information on various cultural practices on circumcision

Neonatal circumcision_ Risks and benefits (PDF UpToDate reference 6/25/15)

Prevention of sexually transmitted infections (PDF UpToDate reference 6/29/15)

Medscape: Paraphimosis

Medscape: Balanoposthitis

Krill A., Palmer L., Palmer J. Complications of Circumcision. ScientificWorldJournal. 2011; 11: 2458–2468.

Morris et al. A ‘snip’ in time: what is the best age to circumcise? BMC Pediatrics. 2012; 12(20). FULL TEXT:

Care of the uncircumcised penis (PDF UpToDate reference 6/29/15)

Care of the Uncircumcised Penis – AAP’s

BBC: Ethics Guide – Religions and Circumcision

PEDIATRICS Vol. 130 No. 3 September 1, 2012 pp. 585 -586


13 thoughts on “The Circumcision Decision

  1. Michael

    I just thought I would enter the man’s side of the opinion here, since it was absent. I was circumcised at birth, and like many men who have put any thought into it, wish I had not been. There is a movement of men who now want to “restore” as much as possible of our foreskin through years of stretching exercises. Some men greatly resent the fact that this was done to them without their consent. There are no other surgeries performed in any other area of medicine that equate to removing healthy, useful tissue for possible preventive reasons without the individuals adult consent. Why should parents be allowed to choose this for males? No compelling reason exists. There are published studies about the lingering psychological affects of the trauma of circumcision. Even when not consciously remembered, the pain causes shock and changes brain patterns. Also, men who are circumcised have a much higher chance of losing penile sensitivity in middle age. This is not reported in intact men. Just because you are the parent does not give you the right to remove ANY part of your child’s body for any reason that is not an immediate medical concern with no other recourse. It is a human rights issue and should not be treated so cavalierly by those whom it does not affect. (It only affects the person being circumcised.) If your son wants a circumcision, let him make the choice as an adult. The practice on infants should be banned.

  2. hanna

    This article is very onesided. It is relevant information to know that throughout Europe (a largely intact population) has the same, if not lower rates of of stds and hiv. Same with penile cancer, which I might add is an incredibly rare form of cancer. Not to mention, babies are not at risk for either of those diseases. When the aap came out in 2012 that there was a reduction of hiv transmission 38 heads of major medical organization so throughout Europe accused the aap of medical bias. Since America started circing boys in the late 1800s they claimed it cured paralysis, hip dysplasia, blindess, tuberculosis, prevented masturbation. That list goes on and on. Americans actively search for justifications to cut boys. And you know what? There are thousands of men in America who wish they weren’t circumcised and more and more men are talking about it. They will never be able to undo the damage that was done to their genitals if they wanted to. How would you feel if any part of your genitals were removed and your country told you that can’t be upset about it because it was done for medical reasons , especially when they would have most likely gone their entire life without any problems had they been intact. Also, when it comes to the decision to circumcise, parents should absolutely be informed about the structure and functions of the tissue they are amputating, yet no mention of that in this article.

    1. JeniJeni Post author

      I can totally appreciate your comment now that time has passed. There was a long gap of years where I hadn’t been back on this blog, but I’ve heard from a lot of people who have come from your side of the “fence,” and have lent some useful perspective. Thanks for your comment.

  3. Angela

    Forced genital cutting is a human rights violation, whether the child is female, male, or intersex. Ethical medical professionals do not carve natural, normal tissue from the genitals of healthy children. BTW — my mother and her sisters were subjected to FGM in America when they were girls, during the Great Depression. It was legal to cut girls here, until 1997. Genital cutting of baby boys is America’s shame! Please discontinue your state of cognitive dissonance with regard to genital cutting of infant American boys. Europeans look at our cutting culture with the same disgust that we hold towards cultures that cut girls, yet Europeans are not wallowing in dick rot.

    1. JeniJeni Post author

      Hi Angela, I appreciate your comments. I do think that the procedure of male circumcision definitely does stand to have continued discussion and research to really find some convincing and compelling result. Currently, the medical professional recommendations that say the benefits outweigh the risks are based off of older research that is applied to different populations, and really may start to lose weight in the decision to continue this practice in the U.S. However, I do not agree with it being a human rights violation. Parenting is a big deal and decision-making for a child under 18 years is why there is parental consent. There is parental consent for everything. Even ear piercing. True it’s not interfering with the genitals, but it is still changing an otherwise healthy tissue, but without intent to prevent health-related issues for the future. We as parents have to make decisions all the time, based on what we think are best for our children not only in the present, but for the future. I am absolutely hearing your side of the argument and that’s why I am acknowledging that this topic needs to be constantly re-evaluated in hopes that we are not putting our children at more harm than good, in something that was intended to be helpful and preventive.

      This post was purely written as an informative post for new or soon-to-be parents who are interested in baseline information on circumcision. It is not written with the intent to sway one side over the other, I wrote that it is not a black and white issue and that it is an important issue that should be discussed, considering cultural religious and social beliefs. The post was written to provide the medical perspective on the procedure.

      My husband mentioned a coworker who’s family moved from India, then had a baby in the U.S. As you mentioned, other countries like his do not practice routine circumcision for baby boys, so he was confused when the doctors in the hospital asked if they wanted their baby son circumcised. He said he felt like he was expected to circumcise their baby, despite his cultural practice of staying intact.

      In this situation, like almost every situation, medical professionals always need to present information in non-biased manners. This is not a “mutilation,” not “sexual harassment,” or any other negatively manipulated and sexualized reference of the procedure. Doctors do need to also remind families that the decision is up to them and it is not mandatory.

      It’s no one else’s decision but the family’s.

      No one is saying they have to routinely circumcise a baby boy.

      As for your second comment, education is paramount with an intact baby boy, in order to prevent forceful retraction and retraction-related injuries. Nurses need to be educated. Nursing aides, volunteers, anyone who is helping the handling of a newborn or even an older baby; they all need to know what it means to assess an intact baby boy. Just like it’s important to teach the families properly. There is a way to identify if their son is retractable, it’s not one extreme to the next (not touching at all versus fully retracting). Education is paramount on all sides of the procedure or non-procedure. I totally agree with what you said – it is unnecessary to scrub out prepuces. Please don’t misinterpret what I wrote as instruction to do so. Clean what is seen, if you can clean it clean it. If you can’t, then don’t.

      Thank you again for your comments.

  4. Elizabeth

    An uncircumcised penis is NOT supposed to be retracted in infancy. At that age is should still be fused to the head of the penis as to prevent infection. Forcibly retracting before the penis naturally does so can and often does cause problems (hence the “he had to be circumcised at age 5” issues you hear… )

    1. JeniJeni Post author

      Hi Elizabeth, thanks so much for your comment. Per the “Care of the Circumcised Penis,” they do acknowledge that only 4% of males have a completely retractable foreskin. However, for the babies who do have any degree of retractability, the area that CAN be seen should be cleaned, during diaper changes and during bathing. It should definitely not be forced during retraction, because complete separation, as mentioned, may not even happen until 5 years and sometimes even 10 years of age. Thanks for bringing this up, I’ll need to make sure this is worded a bit more clearly so there’s no confusion.

      1. Angela

        You are just bound and determined to interfere with the natural male body! So…how does a parent discover that their newborn son is retractable? By attempting to retract him???? Just keep adult paws and sharp instruments away from the genitals of children! “Clean only what is seen! Wipe externally like a finger, from base towards the tip.” It was unnecessary to scrub out my baby girls’ labia, and it was unnecessary to scrub out my infant sons’ prepuces.

  5. Karen

    In this entire article you never once bothered to mention the structure and function of the foreskin. What is the dartos muscle, the ridged band and the frenulum? How many thousands of nerves are in the foreskin? Have there been any studies suggesting that circumcised men are less sexually sensitive? (Yes.) You think you are in the clear because you are simply restating common US medical policy on this issue, (although even the AAP doesn’t actually recommend the procedure) but there are many people more educated than yourself on the topic who have studied the anatomy of the penis and have come to the conclusion that male genital cutting is a violation of a man’s basic human right to bodily autonomy. Finally, your comments on intact care are flat out wrong and dangerous. The foreskin is fused to the glans in an infant with the balanopreutual layer. This may stay fused naturally any time up through the end of puberty. Tearing it sooner than that is precisely what causes the infections that Americans are so afraid of. Europeans no not seem to have any trouble with this. While I can understand your probable need to delete this comment because of your embarrassment, I hope you will strongly consider removing this entire article as it should be an embarrassment to you. We are in 2015. Cutting our healthy children’s genitals apart is no longer acceptable.

    1. JeniJeni Post author

      Hi Karen, thanks for your comment. Actually I wasn’t compelled to delete your comment because everyone has the right to publish what they wish to write. Imagine that. The part that bothered me was your tone towards the end of your comment saying that I am embarrassing myself by keeping the article posted. I’m not. I stand by what I write.

      With regards to sexual arousal, though I cannot access the permissions, the UpToDate article “Neonatal Circumcision” referenced a systematic review by Morris et al of 2,675 articles (36 articles that had original data included in them, the others were reported to have flawed data) that investigated the sexual function, sensitivity, and satisfaction of circumcised males and found no adverse effects. Now, as you can imagine, it’s difficult to have a study group that can provide sexual feedback pre- and post- circumcision. To me it reminds me of the “which hurts most, giving birth or being kicked in the balls?” It’s pretty much impossible to feel both!

      Regarding intact care, I need to expand on what is written in “Care for the Uncircumcised Penis,” because they do recommend to retract the foreskin as much as is not forcible. They do identify that only 4% of infants have completely retractable foreskins, and that after birth, the progression to a retractable foreskin begins by the loosening of adhesions. I think I just need to write that much more explicitly to avoid confusion!

      About the AAP, I will refer you to the task force recommendation, as I have adequately portrayed their statement on the procedure in my quote, and for further depth, I encouraged readers to read through other references I provided.

      You’re right, I didn’t discuss the function of the foreskin. That wasn’t what this article was about and that wasn’t what I was set out to do when I wrote this article. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  6. Dome

    Was there research from outside the US. All the research you presented was from the US. Many countries outside the US side on the opposite side. They believe it should not be done. All their research actually refutes what you presented. (I don’t have the link but look up the Dutch medical research).

    Also, you gave incorrect care for intact (not circumcised) penises. You are not suppose to retract the foreskin. Even the AAP says this. Doing so causes a lot of damage. The foreskin is fused to the head (glands) of the penis. Retracting of any kind is like tearing a fingernail off a finger.

    Also, it should be noted that all those UTIs and STDS that circumcision claims to prevent against are higher in the US where the circumcision rate is higher and lower in all other first world countries where the circumcision rate is significantly lower (just look at the statistics for Europe).

    Your vlog on this is also flawed it is very one sided. You just talk about reasons to circumcised but you never ever mention any reasons not to. You don’t tall about the positives to not circumcising. Last year. Europe had a huge debate about circumcision (they were not a governing body) and they ruled against neonatal circumcision.

    Your blog on this topic his highly flawed and dangerous to those who may come to look at it for research.

    1. JeniJeni Post author

      Hi Dome,

      The research I did was from US sources, however, the peer-reviewed research that is referenced in the UpToDate articles are from all over the world (we are, after all, in the US are we not?). I did acknowledge that the US has the highest rates of circumcision, so main sources from the US are pretty relevant. I wouldn’t think it appropriate to take Europe’s recommendations and attribute them to the US. However, with regards to original research, much of what we use to base some recommendations from, are conducted in countries with vulnerable at-risk populations (which is how research grants get approved and funded).That is definitely a limitation, indeed.

      Regarding intact care, forceful retraction should never be done. After birth, adhesions that attach the foreskin over the glans begin to recess and loosen, and in some infants, allows for some improved visibility for cleaning during diaper changes and bathing. It does say that only 4% of males have a completely retractable foreskin. And, in more than half of newborn males, it isn’t retractable enough to visualize the meatus. So, as with guiding care, clean what can be cleaned. I will make sure to edit this section of my post to differentiate this, better.

      Thanks for your comment.

      1. Samantha

        You’re a stubborn one. No wonder people in the US are freaked out by infectious foreskins, considering the misinformation re “caring” for the intact penis being peddled by “medical professionals”. The rate of infection will be high if this rubbish advice is being followed ???

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