Category Archives: Postpartum

A Special Valentine’s Day Post from Dad

Dads Post ValentinesIt was exactly one year ago today when Jeni (39 weeks pregnant) and I finished an exciting-but-romantic dinner at our favorite DC restaurant in a most ceremonious celebration of many events: First, we started dating 5 years ago (on the 15th of February), due to months of many insistent phone conversations from my end. I knew I had met the woman of my dreams, and she had swept me off my feet. I wanted to start the rest of my life, but there was some disbelief on the other side. Secondly, and most obvious, was that it was Valentine’s day, and we always made a point to share a lavish dinner together and reflect on where we’ve come and what lies ahead. Third, as my wife was “with child” as they say, we were tipping our caps to the lives we had put together as boyfriend and girlfriend, and husband and wife. We had to say goodbye consciously, because the birth of a child changes everything.

We had scheduled an induction (due to “pre-eclampsia” watch) late on the 14th of February, 2014 for these three reasons as well. (That and my having my my hand in the baby shower pool for a 15th of February due date, too. Bragging rights, no prize) Continue reading “A Special Valentine’s Day Post from Dad” »

The Skinny on Postpartum Belly Binding

blog post 12.6.14 abdominal binding

So, remember when I wrote my first post “Why Little Sproutings was Planted,” and I mentioned that I wanted to bring to light things that I wish I’d known sooner, products I wish I’d had from the get-go, or things I did wrong from the start? Well here’s one of them…

I recall watching an interview of Jessica Alba on a late night show, probably something like Jay Leno. She’d mentioned that she wore two corsets postpartum to get back her pre-pregnancy body, that it’s not for the faint of heart, and that it was sweaty but worth it. I think I thought to myself, “geez, well that’s why it sucks to be in Hollywood…” (couldn’t find the video, here’s a published interview where she mentions it at the end)

I shrugged off this business of postpartum corset-wearing like I cleaned off another heaping plate of pad thai and went about my happy and pregnant day. I mean, I didn’t want to have the pressure to drop the weight super fast. I’m a real person and it’s not my job to look good, haha.

Jump ahead 9-12 months later, and I am (still) tipping the scales 10 pounds off from my pre-pregnancy weight. Truth be told, I lost the first 30 pounds of pregnancy weight in the first 2 weeks. I thought “Wow, breastfeeding seriously is the best and easiest diet EVER!” No, I didn’t think this rate of weight loss would continue, but I at least thought I would be achieving pre-pregnancy weight by the end of Jia’s second (third? fourth?) month birthday. 

Boy, do I regret not looking into this earlier. Like almost a year earlier.

(Yes, I still believe breastfeeding is the fantastic, and I attribute most of my initial weight loss to hormones – oxytocin – released by BFing causing the pooch to go back into place)

Continue reading “The Skinny on Postpartum Belly Binding” »